Coronavirus impact on brands & Amazon high-tech delivery fleet unveiled

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The Scurri eCommerce weekly top 3

Each week we gather the top three eCommerce news items of the week. Here’s what stood out for us this week!

Amazon has unveiled its new fleet of electric delivery vans equipped with a range of cutting-edge features with a view to ‘decarbonize operations and support a thriving, low-carbon economy’.


While Amazon plans to begin rolling out the vans next year, the entire 100,000 fleet is not due to hit the roads until 2030, with 10,000 due by 2022. Read the full article here.

Vans owner VF Corporation has temporarily closed 60 per cent of its stores in China due to the coronavirus outbreak. Burberry closed 24 of its 64 stores in mainland China as the coronavirus outbreak continued to raise fears on Friday morning.


Nike also temporarily shut down half of its stores in China. Earlier this week, Apple shut all 42 of its stores in China for at least eight days as a result of the spreading virus, while denim retailer Levi’s shut about half of its stores in China due to the outbreak. Read the full article here.

An Post is the first postal service in the world to attain zero carbon emission delivery status in a capital city. Every An Post letter and parcel delivery in Dublin City Centre is emission free  carried by 47 zero emission vehicles, avoiding 450 tonnes of CO2.


The Company has already invested €7.5 million in its Electric Fleet of 212 Electric Vehicles and this number will exceed 900 within two years.  All An Post’s electricity comes only from renewable resources. Read the full article here.

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